News and Announcements


Two goals from field hockey “rookie” Dale Kirk and singles from the Wheatley brothers, Calder and Ben, carried Rebels 2 to a 4-2 victory over Mutineers in Vancouver Island Field Hockey League play Sunday (Feb. 6) on the UVic turf.
The win was Rebels’ sixth of the season against just one loss and keeps them atop the recreational division table. The loss evened Mutineers record to 1-1, having joined the fray at the start of the second half of the season. Peter van den Berg tallied both goals for the men in green.
Also on the day Hawks got past Marauders 3-2, paced by a two-goal performance from the always elusive Javier Virk and one from youngster Devin Virk. Scoring for Marauders were Chase Stiles and Tom Vincent.
The last game of the day saw UVic Vikes emerge from their winter break to post a 4-1 win over Rebels 1 in competitive division play. The second-place Vikes were led with a three-goal performance by Arthur Valdivieso and pushed over the .500 mark with their fifth win in nine games. Former Rebels player Ryan Knight also scored for Vikes, while Daniel Gillott tallied for Rebels.
Next week’s rescheduled competitive game between the front-running Tigers and the Vikes starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by Marauders vs. Rebels 2 at 11 a.m. and Hawks vs. Mutineers at 12:30 p.m.
Rebels 2’s Chris Wilson rips a shot toward the Mutineers net and goalkeeper Tom Pennels, as defenders Erik Kjekstad (left) and Jason Read try for a block and Rebels’ Chris Davis looks for a tip-in. (Photo by Kelvin Kung)


The Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association (VJFHA) is excited to announce that the 2022 Junior League season will be running from April 9 to June 19, 2022 for all ages U6 to U18 boys and girls.

Registration will open Friday, February 11 at 7:00 a.m. and it will be first-come, first-served.

There will be a registration cap on each of the age groups. With UVic’s water-based turf being resurfaced this year we may be restricted to only one rubber-based field at UVic and this would limit our capacity per age group. Should a second field become available we will automatically start putting players on teams from the waitlist. We hope this will be the case.

We know that protocols in sport can change so we will be ready to pivot if the Public Health Officer, ViaSport, Field Hockey BC or UVic require us to do so. For now though, you can expect a fairly normal season. Unlike last season, this year we will not require the daily health check, the capacity of players per field/team, masks, etc., however we will still required everyone coming to the venue to do a daily health check. If you have COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms we would request that you stay home.

Spectators will be allowed at the venue but we will be restricted to a 50% capacity of spectators.

The full details of what to expect this season are listed on our website here:

To view the dates/times that each age/gender is playing this year visit:

We hope you will be able to join us this season.

Mark your calendars and register online at the below link starting at 7:00 am on Friday, Feb. 11:

If you have any questions, please e-mail:


Have you heard of field hockey? Have you ever wanted to try it? Well now you can and FOR FREE!!


Victoria Junior Field Hockey League is hosting our annual Come Try the Game Free session at UVic Field 2B (rubber turf beside CARSA but closest to McKenzie Ave.) on Sunday, February 6 from 10:00-11:00 am. If your child is between the age of 5-18, and would like to try a new sport for FREE we look forward to seeing you. Please feel free to bring a friend as well.

Please bring shin pads and mouth guards if you have them. Sticks, balls, coaching and fun will be provided.

Sign up at the link below:

Registration for 2022 Junior League will begin at 7:00 am on February 11 and will close on February 20. There are registration maximums this year due to field availability so be sure to register as soon as you can.

Late registrations will be placed on a waitlist and moved on to teams on a first-come, first-served basis as spots become available and when as field availability is confirmed.

The season will run April 9 to June 19, 2021 (no sessions on the May long weekend)
View schedules per age:

We will be canvassing for coaches for the upcoming Spring League season shortly! Stay tuned.

For more info:


Tigers had their hands full against Rebels 1 in the opening game of the Vancouver Island Field Hockey Association’s second half of the season, but wound up scoring a 4-1 victory to remain atop the competitive division.
The first games in the revamped four-team recreational division saw Rebels 2 win a rousing game against Hawks, 6-5 in the middle contest on a soggy Sunday, while Mutineers, whose competitive division players were dispersed in the fall, used their retooled rec lineup to defeat Sailors clubmates Marauders 2-1.
Next weekend see the UVic Vikes get into action, playing the 2 p.m. game against Rebels 1, while Marauders take on Hawks and Mutineers face Rebels 2 in rec play.


Field Hockey BC is pleased to announce dates for the upcoming 2022 FHBC Provincial Program Talent ID
and National Championship Team Trials. FHBC is pleased to announce that the 2022 Provincial Talent ID
Program will be a joint venture with Field Hockey Canada in being both a Talent Identification point for
the FHC NextGen Program, as well as a Talent Identification point for FHBC National Championship Team

Following FHBC’s Provincial Athlete Pathway Review in 2020, FHBC Provincial Teams at National
Championships will now be selected through a series of regional and centralized trials. For more
information on the general concept of this staged trial program, please see the review committee’s final
report here:

Both Team BC Provincial (Tier 1) and BC Regional teams (Tier 2) will compete at the FHC National
Championships being hosted by FHBC in the Summer of 2022. The National Championship Tournament
information is as follows:

2022 U18 National Championships

  • Year of Birth: 2004 and 2005
  • July 29th – August 3rd @ Tamanawis Park, Surrey
  • Female – Tier 1 & 2 | Male – Tier 1

2022 U16 National Championships

  • Year of Birth: 2006 and 2007
  • August 9th – 14th @ Tamanawis Park, Surrey
  • Female – Tier 1 & 2 | Male – Tier 1

Stage 1: FHBC Regional Trials (Female)
For any athlete nominated by a club, PSO, NSO, high school and/or private academy coach. NextGen
athletes and CSI Provincial Targeted athletes* are exempt from Stage 1 trials.

From Stage 1 Trials, there are 3 outcomes for athletes:
1) Top athletes will be invited to attend centralized Stage 2 Trials.
2) Athletes will be selected for BC Regional teams that will compete in Tier 2 at the National
3) All other athletes will be provided with feedback on areas of emphasis for a potential return to
this program in future seasons.

Island trials:
 U18 Female: March 1st & 4th in Victoria
 U16 Female: March 8th & 11th in Victoria

Stage 2: FHBC Provincial Trials & FHC Talent Identification (Female)
For previously identified athletes (NextGen or CSI Targeted athletes) as well as those athletes promoted
from Stage 1 trials.

 U18 Female: April 15th – 18th in the Lower Mainland
 U16 Female: May 20th – 23rd in the Lower Mainland

These trials will also serve as a talent identification event for Field Hockey Canada coaches and staff.

FHBC Provincial Team Trials & FHC Talent Identification (Male)
Due to the estimated number of male U16 & U18 athletes, there will only be a single, centralized
Provincial team trial per age group. These trials will be for all nominated athletes, as well as all
previously identified athletes (NextGen & CSI Targeted athletes).

 U18 Male: April 15th – 18th in the Lower Mainland
 U16 Male: May 20th – 23rd in the Lower Mainland

These trials will also serve as a talent identification event for Field Hockey Canada coaches and staff.

Full details: