News and Announcements

Dear League Reps and all,

Unfortunately due to the latest update regarding the COVID-19 virus the men’s league season will be cut short. Field Hockey BC is directing all members and affiliated clubs and associations to suspend all sanctioned field hockey activities in the province until further notice. As a result, there will be no playoffs played this season. If you have any questions or concerns please email at


The Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association will be hosting Field Hockey BC’s Fundamentals Coaching Course in March.

This course is intended for coaches that:

  • are working with under 12 age groups;
  • are themselves an under 18 player who has an interest in coaching in the Junior League; or
  • a parent volunteer who are new to coaching and to the game of field hockey.

Course Details:
It is mandatory to attend both sessions.
Wednesday March 4 – McKinnon Building Room 150 from 6 to 9 pm
Sunday March 8 – UVIC Turf #3 from 2 to 5 pm

The Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association encourages Junior League Coaches who have no or minimal coach training to take this course. There is no cost to attend.

The course is 6 hours in length split up into 3 hours each of theory and practical learning. You will learn the basics of of how to deliver safe, fun and effective practice sessions, how to incorporate fundamental movement skills and review field hockey fundamental skills and tactics from facilitators who have coached in the junior league and helped design the practice sessions for the junior league.

The course will be facilitated by certified learning facilitators Ali Baggott and Milena Gaiga.


Deadline to register is Monday, February 24, 2020.

If you have any questions please contact Milena Gaiga at


The Victoria Junior League season is around the corner (April 18 – June 20, 2020). We would like to encourage all adult league participants to consider volunteering their time to coach. No experience is necessary. Coaches will be paired with experienced coaches, if necessary. In addition, print out practice plans for each week and a master coach is there to help you out.

“The best way to learn is to teach.”

Please look at the schedule and consider volunteering your time. You can request to coach with a friend and if you are away for a few weeks, just let the master coach know and we will help find replacements.


View schedule by age group / practice day and time:  


FHBC AGM Feb. 10

Posted by Ali Baggott at Jan 29, 2020 9:02PM PST ( 0 Comments )

The upcoming Field Hockey BC Annual General meeting will have a lot of items on the agenda that will be important to the state and future of field hockey in Victoria. As a collective, it is important that members in the Cowichan and Victoria men’s and women’s league as well as voting members such as coaches, officials, etc. take part in the upcoming votes. Though we don’t expect everyone to attend the meeting we are collecting proxy votes to be submitted to Field Hockey BC before Feb. 3, 2020.

This means that each player should let their designated team rep or club rep know if they are okay (or not) with their names being used by a representative to vote on their behalf. Once the names are submitted we will also circulate information around ‘our’ as in Vancouver Island’s best recommendations on what directions we would like to see the motions and elections move in. This will be a challenging conversation but we are open to having the reps that will carry proxy votes meet in person.

Monday Feb. 10, 2020 at 6:30 pm
Room 155 at McKinnon Gym (UVic)

In the immediate future, please get your names to your team/club reps who will forward lists to Ali Baggott. Ali will coordinate all the proxy votes going in. Club and team reps are expected to support in finding a person to be either on the phone call carrying 35 votes (plus their own) or doing the same in person (either in Victoria or going to the meeting itself in Vancouver). Proxy names must be submitted by Feb. 3 if we want to have a right to vote via phone.

Just as in any large election, every vote matters, and even if things do not go in our favour, we will know that every voice in Vancouver Island at least participated in their say. This is a really important time for us to take part in the conversation. Please don’t think your vote does not matter.

A reminder that voting members include:
a) Senior Player
b) Junior Player (under 13 and under 18 as of January 1 of the playing season)
c) Associate members (non-playing, non-officiating, non-coaching members that have a FHBC voting membership)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ali at 250-418-5633 or

Conference call detail is as follows:
Dial: 1-888-289-4573
Access Code: 7864046#

A reminder that with rainy and freezing weather in the forecast for this weekend to use the below website to check field conditions:

If you have an afternoon game, please ensure you read carefully to see if the field is closed JUST for the morning or for the whole day.

For questions, email